Home Repair Estimate Pricing

Home Repair Estimate
A Home Repair Estimate Report
$ 50
  • Building Permits
  • Reports Within 36 Hours
  • Easy-to-read PDF Format
  • Great For Price Negotiations
  • Professional Looking Reports
  • Know The Price To Repair Before You Buy
  • Convenient (No chasing trades all over town for quotes)
Detailed Estimates

Your Home Repair Estimate Includes

Our simple home repair estimate makes it simple to turn ANY home inspection report into a highly accurate and incredibly easy-to-read repair estimate so you can quickly and easily negotiate repairs after a home inspection. Simply upload your report and let our team go to work.

Make sure you know the true cost of repairs for the home you’re buying or selling so you can negotiate with certainty and power.

If you are purchasing this home as your Primary Residence we strongly suggest you order a Premium Report. These reports not only provide a detailed and easy-to-read estimate of repairs, but also provide a further wealth of information about the home including:

And more!! Plus you get a free RUSH upgrade that pushes your report to the front of the line, giving you more time to negotiate and make your decision.

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